Great Girls is a non-profit project run by a diverse group of women in Cape Town, that aims to bridge the gap between high-school education and full-time employment for disadvantaged girls.
We volunteer our time and expertise with young women in grade 11 and 12 who are looking for support. Our goal is to ensure that South African girls leave high school equipped with the skills to either find meaningful full-time employment or to pursue further studies.
Through practical workshops and mentoring, Great Girls coaches its participants on elements that range from interview technique and CV writing to budgeting, eloquence, confidence-building and assertiveness, paving the way for a well-rounded individual capable of carving out their own successful career path, regardless of their background.
Great Girls nourishes ambition, assists girls who wish to study further, and helps participants search successfully for jobs and bursaries.
Please support us and add us as one of your MySchool card beneficiaries.
How to Set It UpRequiring each of us to be honest, trustworthy, truthful, consistent and open in our conduct and decision making.
Requiring each of us to both feel and share the passion we all have for creating positive change for our beneficiaries; drawing from this passion as a source of perpetual energy for our work.
Requiring each of us to be prepared to make commitments, be judged against our commitments, deliver on those commitments and be responsible for our actions.
Investing in our people and creating an empowering environment through development, support, mentoring, coaching, and embracing diversity.
Requiring each of us to recognise the inherent worth of every human being and to treat all people accordingly.